An Rx Answer by ACIRX
Released on = June 8, 2006, 7:28 pm
Press Release Author = ACIRX
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = The efforts of one small company president determined to assist over 10,000 non profit ,hospitals, churches,clinics,etc. are noted when others ignore many call for help.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 6/8/2006
An Rx Answer by ACIRX
In the days where our politicians constantly promise one thing but do another especially where it come to healthcare it\'s nice to find a true advocate of those in need.
In the past year as a director (due to my position I wish to remain nameless) of over 20 years of a non profit organization, the request for assistance for prescription drugs have increased to alarming rates of which my organization can no longer handle. With the massive federal and state cuts our revenues from receiving funding is massively reduced. So it was with great relief, to hear of a company that was involved with a major community service project that was designed with helping not only the community but the heads of the organizations.
American Consultants Rx Inc., a byproduct of American Consultants Inc. an insurance brokerage company in Atlanta and headed by the President/CEO Charles Myrick , created a program to assist the community with their prescription drugs, by donating discount prescription cards to heads of the organizations in the community named the ACIRX card. This is how our organization became involved with ACIRX. Being over 5 states, our needs were considerably high but ACIRX met our initial orders of 300,000 cards which they donated free of charge. The cards could save up to 40% off of regular drugs and up to 60% off of generic drugs and had no expiration date. In less than 6 months all the cards were gone and our clients needs dictated the need for more.
However upon contacting ACIRX, we discovered that they were overwhelmed with orders and were seeking additional funding. Upon talking to the President of ACIRX we discovered that they had a back order of over 60 million cards and over 10,000 groups. Though we were indeed frustrated and became a little more overbearing, the realization that Mr. Myrick was indeed trying to do everything to help us was evident. He stated\" if they were swinging a golf club, driving a race car,or playing football,it would be easier to get funding, and that he was indeed sympathetic to what we go through everyday\".
Sometimes as directors we are sometime used to carrying burden but no way could one imagine trying to satisfy 10,000 groups. I had to apologize the next day. We need all the help from advocates like Mr. Myrick and ACIRX at to help our community.
Contact ACIRX for more insights into their discount card program. Direct line: (404)767-1072 or email . Other helpful information regarding ACI can be found at: or visit their service site at
Web Site =
Contact Details = Charles Myrick POBOX 161336 Atlanta , 30321 $$country
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